Electric Chain Saw Reviews
Here you will find the best electric chain saws based on numerous variables and factors. Our ratings are formulated by the following factors: power, weight, price, features and customer reviews (and feedback).
Electric chain saw users tend to favor saws that are light-weight and easy to use. Many features offer convenience and safety (ie. automatic chain oiler, chain break, and auto chain tensioning).
Items to Examine When Buying Electric Chainsaws
The Electric Chainsaw
The Motor – The electric chain saw engines are powered from 3 to 15 amps. The average electric chainsaw is between 9-12 amps (3-4 horsepower).
The Chain – The electric chainsaw chain operates inside a groove on the guide bar. The cutting teeth are attached to the exterior part of the chain. Chain rates of speed range between 2,000 to 5,000 feet per minute.
Chainsaw Bar – Electric chainsaw bar lengths are between 10 to 18 inches. The most common lengths are between 14 and 20 inches. The bar length is measured from the tip of the bar to where the chain enters the outer shell. The longer the bar span, the more difficult the saw is to manage. Also, the more significant the safety concern.
Electric Chainsaw Features
Automated Chainsaw Oiler – The electric chainsaw chain must be oiled regularly. Oil frequently to avoid over heating as well as breakage. Over heating occurs due to excessive friction between the chain and wood. The automatic oiler provides continuous flow of oil onto the chain (and bar). This occurs in modest quantities and is discharged from a control valve. The oil is kept in a separate reservoir. It should be checked prior to or after each refueling.
Antivibration – The antivibration feature decreases the impact to the owner coming from the saw. The vibration occurs during operation. Anti-vibration feature is useful for long duration jobs. Electric chainsaw equipped with anti-vibration handles have springs or rubberized buffers. Pro-longed vibration can lead to sorness, control issues, in addition to injuries. The electric chainsaw offer less vibration compared to gas chainsaws.
Bar-Tip safeguard – A bar-tip guard is there to avoid electric chain saw kickback . Kickback is a common safety concern. Kickback is when the bar and chain violently kick back towards the user. It can happen once the nose of your electric chainsaw contacts a rigid object. Kickback can also occur if the chain gets pinched between two pieces of wood. Many electric chainsaw users bypass using a bar-tip guard since it limits the cutting area of the bar.
Wrap Around Handle, Chain Break and Trigger Lock – The wrap around handle serves several purposes.
1. Standard safety, wrap around handles incorporate a chain break mechanism that halts the chain. The chain is halted promptly once the left-hand hits the safeguard. 2. The handle also allows for better control and handling. This gives the user easier use of the saw.
The trigger lock function is another basic safety feature. The trigger lock stops the blade instantly when the saw is released or even fumbled. A press button or switch on the grip must be depressed for the electric chainsaw to function. Once the switch is released the saw ceases to function.
Question:Who makes the corded electric chainsaw with the built-in sharpening stone . I bought mine from Sears(Craftsman)who no longer sells it.
i saw one advertized a few a few months ago but did not write it down since mine had not went up in smoke then.
Where can I order the trigger handle assembly for my Earthwise CVPS41008, 2 in i, polesaw?